
Welcome to the Scientect Services. Our collaborative blog delivers the following initiatives to further our vision and mission.

Scientect E-MAG: Publish research-informed short articles, commentaries and perspectives about any topic (maximum of 800 – 1000 words). To submit articles see E-MAG author(s) guidelines.

Scientect Research Reports: Publish lay summary of peer reviewed journal articles with clear link to trending issues in the mainstream news media (maximum of 800 – 1000 words). To submit lay summaries see the SRR lay summary guidelines.

Scientect News & Events: Publish short news articles, events, activities, outreach, announcements, interviews, research or profession follow ups, focused on research, science and technology awareness (maximum of 800 – 1000 words).

Scientect Tips & Resources: Publish short articles about career and personal development, ranging from searching for scholarships, jobs and grants, your academic, research or career journey, how to study effectively, writing and communication skills, managing relationships as student, researcher or professional, conference experience, teamwork and others (maximum of 800 – 1000 words).